Zu Plun è oggi la distilleria delle Dolomiti che produce gin, rum, distillati e grappe con ingredienti di montagna. Teniamoci in contatto.

Distillato di ribes Zu Plun


CURRANT SPIRIT. Currant spirits are capricious in terms of production, but exceptionally captivating to the nose with their numerous fleeting, fine aromas. The currant spirit by Zu Plun is made using blackcurrants from farming land located not far from the distillery in Fiè allo Sciliar at about 900 m above sea level. Unlike the slightly sour redcurrant, blackcurrants – which are considered exceptionally healthy – contain more of the fruit sugars essential for fermentation. However large amounts of these small fruits are required for the distillate. The fully ripe berries are handpicked and mashed straight after picking. The currant brandy owes to punctilious manual effort in the picking and processing phase its dark fruity tones, where the Cassis notes typical of this fruit type come to the fore particularly well. Leafy-green notes provide extra structure and lightness. This distillate offers a finish with youthful tang, strength and persistence.

  • Raw material: Blackcurrants grown in Fiè allo Sciliar
  • Distillation method: discontinuous, distilled twice, heated in a water bath using a copper still
  • Storage/ageing: —
  • Alcohol content: 42% VOL.
  • Content: 0.35 l